what causes dizziness in seniors

what causes dizziness in seniors

1 year ago 44

Dizziness in seniors can be caused by multiple factors, including neurologic, cardiovascular, visual, vestibular, and psychological problems. As people age, they are naturally at a higher risk for some conditions, including dizziness, which is a symptom of other health conditions common with old age. Some of the common causes of dizziness in seniors are:

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV): This is the most common cause of dizziness in the elderly. BPPV is caused when the calcium carbonate crystals in the otolithic organs of the inner ear are dislodged from the gelatinous membrane that normally holds them in place.

  • Spinal degeneration: This is the second-most common cause of dizziness in seniors. Spinal degeneration is a fairly natural result of aging or age-related arthritis, making it more difficult to move your head and neck. This sensation often sends messages to your brain about the position of your head – messages that can be false, leading to a disoriented or dizzy sensation.

  • Changes in blood pressure: As people age, their heart isn’t as effective at pumping blood through the body. If they stand up too quickly, their blood pressure may suddenly drop. If a change in blood pressure is the cause of dizziness, it shouldn’t last longer than a couple of minutes. Once the blood pressure returns to normal, the dizziness fades.

  • Poor circulation: When the body pumps less blood through the veins, it decreases the oxygen that travels through the body as well. With less oxygen in the brain and inner ear, seniors may feel sensations of dizziness.

  • Neurological conditions: Disorders like Parkinsons disease and multiple sclerosis cause changes to the body that lead to dizziness. In this case, doctors will seek to diagnose and treat the overarching health condition in hopes of eliminating the dizziness.

  • Anxiety disorders: As people get older, they may develop anxiety around completing certain activities or even leaving home. When faced with a situation that triggers their anxiety, they may experience a panic attack, which often includes dizziness.

  • Medications: Certain medications, such as anti-seizure drugs, antidepressants, sedatives, and tranquilizers, can cause dizziness as a side effect.

It is important to note that dizziness can be frustrating and, for some individuals, downright dangerous. Falls are the number one cause of hospital admissions and accidental death in older adults. Therefore, seniors who experience dizziness should seek medical attention to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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