what causes gastro

what causes gastro

1 year ago 56

Gastroenteritis, also known as the stomach flu, is a condition that causes inflammation of the intestines and symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and fever. The most common cause of gastroenteritis is a virus, with the main types being rotavirus and norovirus. Other causes of gastroenteritis include bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella, parasites, and chemicals. The condition can be spread through contact with an infected person, consuming contaminated food or water, or touching contaminated surfaces and then touching ones mouth, nose, or eyes. Good hand hygiene, including washing hands thoroughly and often, is the best defense against spreading the infection to others. While gastroenteritis is usually not serious in healthy people, it can sometimes lead to dehydration or cause severe symptoms. Infants, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems are at a higher risk of complications from gastroenteritis. There is no effective treatment for viral gastroenteritis, so prevention is key. If you have gastroenteritis, it is important to stay hydrated and rest until you feel better. If you have a serious underlying condition or your symptoms are severe, you should see a doctor.

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