what causes high platelets

what causes high platelets

1 year ago 45

A high platelet count, also known as thrombocytosis, can be caused by a variety of factors. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Reactive thrombocytosis: This occurs when something outside the bone marrow stimulates the marrow to make more platelets. This can be caused by inflammatory conditions like autoimmune diseases, cancer or trauma, as well as certain infections and iron deficiency.

  • Essential thrombocythemia: This is a blood and bone marrow disease where the bone marrow produces too many of the cells that form platelets, and these platelets often dont work properly. The cause of this disorder is unclear, but it often appears to be connected to changes in certain genes.

  • Blood-forming cell problems: Sometimes blood-forming cells just make too many platelets. This is usually because theres a problem with one of the genes that control the making of platelets. This problem usually happens after about age 50, but sometimes it happens to young women. Less often, the problem involves genes that also control other blood cells. This can result in a more serious blood disorder.

  • Certain medications: Some medications, such as estrogen, can cause an increase in platelet count.

  • Other underlying medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as cancer, infections, and immune system problems, can also cause a high platelet count.

If you have a high platelet count, it is important to see a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

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