Hives, also known as urticaria, are raised, itchy, and red bumps or welts on the skin. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
Allergic reactions: When your immune system comes in contact with an allergen, it can cause hives. Allergens can include food, drink, medication, pollen, pet dander, latex, and insect stings.
Physical triggers: Hives can also be caused by physical triggers such as exposure to heat, cold, pressure, or vibration. Rubbing or scratching the skin can also cause hives.
Infections and illnesses: Some infections, such as strep throat, urinary tract infections, and COVID-19, can trigger hives. Medical treatments like radiation therapy or blood transfusions can also cause hives.
Other factors: Emotional stress, hormonal changes, and certain medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and antibiotics can also cause hives.
Its important to note that in many cases, the exact cause of hives may not be known. If you experience hives, its recommended to try to identify any potential triggers and avoid them in the future. Treatment for hives may include antihistamines or steroids. If you experience any symptoms that restrict breathing, seek immediate emergency care.