what causes lack of oxygen to the brain

what causes lack of oxygen to the brain

1 year ago 37

Cerebral hypoxia occurs when the brain doesnt get enough oxygen, even though there is good blood flow. It can happen from many events where oxygen to the brain may be cut off, such as from drowning, choking, suffocation, cardiac arrest, or head injury. Brain injury, stroke, and carbon monoxide poisoning are other possible causes of brain hypoxia. The condition can be serious because brain cells need an uninterrupted flow of oxygen to function properly. When the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, brain cells begin to die, and a brain injury can occur. Cell death happens within 5 minutes of low oxygen.

Many things can affect oxygen flow to the brain, including:

  • Choking, strangulation or suffocation.
  • Drowning.
  • Electrocution.
  • Head injury, including traumatic brain injuries (TBI).
  • Heart attack, arrhythmia, and stroke.
  • Substance use disorder, including drug overdose and inhalant misuse.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning or smoke inhalation.
  • Seizure.

The symptoms of a lack of oxygen to the brain, or brain hypoxia, may be mild or severe and depend on the level and duration of oxygen deprivation. Mild symptoms of brain hypoxia include temporary loss of memory, problems moving parts of the body, inattentiveness, and poor judgment. Severe symptoms of brain hypoxia include coma, seizure, and brain death.

Cerebral hypoxia is an emergency condition that needs to be treated right away. The sooner the oxygen supply is restored to the brain, the lower the risk for severe brain damage and death. Treatment depends on the cause of the hypoxia. Basic life support is most important. Treatment involves breathing assistance (mechanical ventilation), blood pressure and heart rate support medications, and medications to suppress seizures.

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