what causes scalp acne review

what causes scalp acne review

1 year ago 33

Scalp acne can be caused by a variety of factors, including hair products, sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells buildup. Hair products such as shampoo, styling gel, and hairsprays can leave residues on the scalp and clog pores, leading to scalp acne. Hormonal fluctuations, poor scalp hygiene, stress, and scratching or picking at the scalp can also contribute to the development of scalp acne.

To prevent scalp acne, it is recommended to wash your hair frequently and use oil-free and antibacterial hair products. It is also important to avoid using hair care products that contain a lot of oil, such as shampoos, gels, hairspray, waxes, or pomades. Additionally, it is recommended to wash everything that touches your head, including pillowcases, hats, visors, headscarfs, headbands, bedsheets, and blankets.

Some ingredients in hair products that can cause acne include isopropyl myristate, all oils (except sunflower, safflower, and tea tree), sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, and sodium chloride. It is important to become an ingredient detective and check the ingredient lists on any products you put on your hair to avoid these ingredients.

In summary, scalp acne can be caused by a variety of factors, including hair products, sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells buildup. To prevent scalp acne, it is recommended to wash your hair frequently, use oil-free and antibacterial hair products, and avoid using hair care products that contain a lot of oil.

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