what causes sea foam

what causes sea foam

1 year ago 38

Sea foam is a type of foam created by the agitation of seawater, particularly when it contains higher concentrations of dissolved organic matter such as proteins, fats, and dead algae. Sea foam forms when waves or strong winds inject air into the dissolved organic matter in ocean water, forming bubbles. The organic matter, mostly made of dead microscopic plants, contains a protein that gives the water enough surface tension to form bubbles. Surf and winds cause the mass to pile up in the familiar, suds-like masses. Algal blooms are one common source of thick sea foams. When large blooms of algae decay offshore, great amounts of decaying algal matter often wash ashore. Foam forms as this organic matter is churned up by the surf. Sea foam is a global phenomenon, and it varies depending on location and the potential influence of the surrounding marine, freshwater, and/or terrestrial environments. Most sea foam is not harmful to humans and is often an indication of a productive ocean ecosystem. However, when large harmful algal blooms decay near shore, there is potential for impacts to human health and the environment. During blooms, popping sea foam bubbles are one way that algal toxins become airborne. The resulting aerosol can irritate the eyes of beachgoers and poses a health risk for those with asthma or other respiratory conditions.

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