what causes severe dizziness

what causes severe dizziness

1 year ago 44

Dizziness is a common symptom that can be caused by a variety of factors. Some of the most common causes of severe dizziness include:

  • Inner ear disturbance: The inner ear contains tiny particles that help monitor the position of your head in relation to gravity and linear motion. When something disrupts the flow, your central nervous system can process information incorrectly and you can feel unsteady and dizzy.

  • Motion sickness: This occurs when there is a conflict between the signals your eyes and inner ear send to your brain. For example, when youre in a car, your inner ear senses movement, but your eyes see the interior of the car as stationary.

  • Medication effects: Dizziness can be a side effect of certain medications, such as anti-seizure drugs, antidepressants, sedatives, and tranquilizers.

  • Anxiety disorders: Certain anxiety disorders may cause lightheadedness or a woozy feeling.

  • Circulation problems: You may feel dizzy, faint, or off-balance if your heart isnt pumping enough blood to your brain. Causes include a drop in blood pressure, a decrease in blood volume, or anemia.

  • Neurological conditions: Some neurological disorders, such as Parkinsons disease and multiple sclerosis, can lead to progressive loss of balance.

  • Dehydration: Losing too much fluid can result in dehydration, which is one of the most common causes of dizziness. Symptoms of dehydration include thirst and dry skin.

  • Migraines: People who experience migraines may have episodes of vertigo or other types of dizziness even when theyre not having a severe headache. Such vertigo episodes can last minutes to hours and may be associated with headache as well as light and noise sensitivity.

Its important to talk to a healthcare provider if youre having frequent or serious dizzy spells. They can help determine the underlying cause and recommend appropriate treatment.

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