Stuttering is a speech disorder that affects the rhythm and flow of how a person talks. It is characterized by uncontrolled movements or spasms in the muscles used for speaking, which can cause unintended sounds, pauses, or repetitions of sounds or syllables. While stuttering is commonly seen in children during their developmental period, it can also develop in adults for various reasons. Here are some possible causes of stuttering in adults:
Neurogenic stuttering: This is the most common form of stuttering found in adults and is caused by a traumatic event such as a stroke or other brain injury.
Genetics: Stuttering tends to run in families, and there is evidence of genetic involvement in stuttering.
Abnormalities in speech motor control: Some evidence indicates that abnormalities in speech motor control, such as timing, sensory, and motor coordination, may be involved in stuttering.
Emotions and the environment: Negative feelings related to speaking may increase tension and further affect a persons ability to communicate. Depending on their temperament, some people may experience more emotional arousal and anxiety when speaking than others.
Stress: Stress in the family, high parental expectations, or other types of pressure can worsen existing stuttering.
It is important to note that stuttering is basically neurological and physiological, not psychological, in nature. If a person begins stuttering unexpectedly as an adult, medical tests may be necessary to diagnose the underlying cause. Speech therapy can help individuals who stutter to understand what is happening and how to work to find a solution.