Thrush is a yeast infection of the tongue and mouth that can affect babies. It is caused by an overgrowth of a yeast called Candida albicans in the babys mouth. Certain germs normally live in our bodies, and while most germs are harmless, some can cause infection. Thrush occurs when too much of Candida albicans grows in a babys mouth. Thrush often occurs when the mother or baby has taken antibiotics, which can kill "good" bacteria and allow yeast to grow. The yeast thrives in warm, moist areas, and the babys mouth and the mothers nipples are perfect places for a yeast infection. Babies can also get a yeast infection on the diaper area at the same time, as the yeast gets in the babys stool and can cause a diaper rash.
Symptoms of thrush in babies include white patches on the tongue, inner cheeks, or inner lips that look like cottage cheese but cant be wiped away. Some babies may not feed well or are uncomfortable when sucking because their mouth feels sore, but many babies dont feel any pain or discomfort. If a baby has symptoms of thrush or refuses to eat, it is important to contact a medical professional.
Thrush can be prevented by cleaning and sterilizing pacifiers and bottle nipples, and by breastfeeding mothers washing their hands and nipples before breastfeeding. If a baby has thrush, it can be treated with antifungal medicine such as nystatin, fluconazole, or itraconazole. Depending on the babys age, the doctor may also suggest adding yogurt with lactobacilli to the babys diet, as the lactobacilli are "good" bacteria that can help get rid of the yeast in the babys mouth.