what changes took place in varna based society

what changes took place in varna based society

1 year ago 36

Several changes took place in varna-based society over time. Here are some of the changes that occurred:

  • Emergence of Jatis: Smaller castes, or jatis, emerged within varnas. Many tribes and social groups were taken into caste-based society and given the status of jatis.

  • New Castes: New castes appeared amongst the Brahmanas.

  • Specialized Artisans: Specialized artisans such as smiths, carpenters, and masons were recognized as separate jatis by the Brahmanas.

  • Rise of Rajput Clans: Among the Kshatriyas, new Rajput clans became powerful by the eleventh and twelfth centuries.

  • Rejection of Caste System: Many tribes and social groups rejected the caste system.

Overall, jatis became the basis for organizing society, surpassing varna.

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