what chicken lays blue eggs

what chicken lays blue eggs

1 year ago 41

The following chicken breeds lay blue eggs:

  • Ameraucanas: These chickens exclusively lay blue eggs and have a beard and an upright tail. They love to forage and are friendly birds to have around.

  • Araucanas: This purebred bird has the specific gene necessary for blue egg laying. They won’t exclusively lay in a single shade, but this color shows up often enough that many people opt for adding Araucanas to their flock.

  • Cream Legbars: This breed lays blue eggs and is known for its auto-sexing traits, which means that males and females can be easily distinguished at birth.

  • Easter Eggers: This hybrid chicken was developed specifically for its blue eggs. They are incredibly friendly and lovable birds that will happily hang out in your lap. Hens weigh around four pounds, and roosters not much more than that. You can expect around four eggs a week from each hen. However, not all eggs will be blue. You may get a range of fun shades.

  • Dongxiang blue chicken: This breed is native to China and is known for its blue eggs and its hardiness in cold weather.

  • Lushi chicken: This Chinese breed is smaller in size but still produces a good number of blue eggs.

Its worth noting that some mixed breed chickens also possess the blue egg gene and can lay blue eggs, such as the Ice Cream Bar and the Olive Egger.

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