Some chicken breeds lay pink eggs, and they can add interest to your egg basket. Pink eggshells come in a variety of pastel hues, such as salmon, baby pink, seashell, and sand. Pink eggs are not specific to any breed of chicken, and they are more like gorgeous and lucky little accidents. While no breed of chicken guarantees a pink egg layer, some breeds are more likely to lay pink-colored eggs. Here are some breeds of chickens that lay pink eggs:
- Salmon Faverolle
- Barred Rock
- Buff Orpington
- Light Sussex
- Australorps
- Silkie
- Croad Langshan
- Mottled Javas
- Asil
- Some Australorps
- Some Buff Orpingtons
It is important to note that pink egg layers are quite rare and come from many different breeds of chickens. The breeds listed above won’t lay pink eggs exclusively, but it’s always a pleasant surprise to find a pink-tinted egg in your egg basket.