Several breeds of chickens lay blue eggs, including:
- Ameraucanas
- Araucanas
- Cream Legbars
- Easter Eggers
These breeds are the most commonly used for blue egg production. Ameraucanas and Araucanas are recognized breeds by the American Poultry Association, while Cream Legbars and Easter Eggers are not. Easter Eggers are a hybrid breed that carry the blue egg-laying gene and are a mix of different breeds. They are popular among backyard chicken keepers because they are easy to find and inexpensive compared to some of the other blue egg-laying chicken breeds.
Its important to note that the blue color of the eggshell does not affect the taste or nutritional value of the egg inside. The blue pigment, oocyanin, is added after the white shell is formed and it sinks through the entire shell. So, if youre interested in having blue eggs in your chicken coop, consider getting one of these breeds!