what chopped liver meaning

what chopped liver meaning

1 year ago 35

Chopped liver is a liver pâté that is popular in Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine. However, the phrase "chopped liver" is also used as a slang term to refer to someone or something that is insignificant or not worth considering. The phrase "What am I, chopped liver?" is often used to express frustration or anger at being ignored on a social level. The origin of the phrase is difficult to trace, but one theory is that chopped liver was traditionally served as a side dish rather than a main course, so the phrase may have originally expressed a feeling of being overlooked, as a "side dish". Another theory is that the phrase may have been influenced by its sense in underworld lingo as "a beaten and scarred person," or by the urbanization of the once-rural expression "That aint hay". Regardless of its origin, the phrase is now commonly used in informal settings to express feelings of being overlooked or undervalued.

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