There are several online quizzes and tests that can help you determine which Christian denomination your beliefs align with. Here are some options:
Christian Denomination Quiz : This quiz presents each denominations beliefs and asks you to pick which you agree with most. It then tells you which denomination(s) your beliefs are most similar to.
Which Christian denomination do you belong to? : This quiz determines your Christian denomination via questions about your beliefs. It also shows which other denominations you are close to.
What Denomination Am I? 2023 Accurate Christian Quiz : This quiz analyzes your views, practices, and values to identify which division matches you. It also provides a table that shows the primary differences between the largest Christianity groups.
Christian Denomination Selector : This quiz examines your beliefs and figures out which Christian denomination would be most appropriate for you.
What Denomination Am I Quizzes : This quiz asks many questions to help narrow down which denomination you belong to.
Its important to note that these quizzes are not definitive and should be taken with a grain of salt. They can, however, provide a starting point for further exploration and research.