There are conflicting answers regarding Jiraiyas clan in Naruto. According to, Jiraiya probably doesnt have a clan in Naruto. He was a student of the Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi along with Tsunade and Orochimaru. However, states that Jiraiya is the heir to the Ogata clan, which is a renowned clan in Japan that has a legendary history. Jiraiya uses Shima and Fukasuka during battles to collect Sage chakra which helps him retain the Sage mode longer. When transformed into a toad, Jiraiya finds it easier to fight as his mobility will be increased. However, Jiraiya doesn’t like to rely too much on his Sage powers since it makes him look ugly and he’s worried the women might dislike him. Therefore, it is unclear whether Jiraiya has a clan or not, but according to and, he is associated with the Ogata clan.