what class is minsc bg3

what class is minsc bg3

1 year ago 36

Minsc is a Human Ranger in Baldurs Gate 3. He is an established lore character who has appeared in previous Baldur’s Gate games. Minsc can be recruited in Act 3 by completing the quest Aid the Underduke. He has the following starting equipment: Leather Armour, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots, Minscs Fantastical Relaxation Garb (cosmetic), Tasteful Boots (cosmetic), and Minscs Underwear (cosmetic) . Minscs starting skill proficiencies include Stealth, Nature, Animal Handling, Perception, Survival, and Persuasion. He also has proficiency in Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Light Armour, and Medium Armour. Minscs class features include Favoured Enemy, Natural Explorer, Fighting Style, Spellcasting, and Ranger Archetype. The best subclass for Minsc is Ranger Gloom Stalker, which focuses on stealth, darkness, and ambushing enemies.

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