A stuffy nose can be caused by mucus or inflamed blood vessels in the sinuses, and it often develops when youre sick. Here are some tips and home remedies to clear a stuffy nose:
Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids thins mucus in your nasal passages, helping it move out of your sinuses. This relieves pressure and inflammation, helping you breathe easier.
Use a humidifier: Humidifiers and electric steamers can bring moisture into the air around you, which can help relieve sinus congestion and pain. You can choose from either a warm-mist or cool-mist humidifier for your stuffy nose.
Take a shower: Taking a shower can help clear a stuffy nose by creating steam that can thin mucus and help it drain from your nose.
Use saline spray or drops: Saline (saltwater) nose spray or drops can help loosen up thick or dried mucus. Put several drops in each nostril, blow (or suction) each nostril, and repeat nose drops and blowing (or suctioning) until the nose is open.
Use a warm compress: A warm compress can provide comfort from any pain and help relieve the inflammation in the nostrils. Soak a towel in warm water, squeeze the water out of the towel, then fold it and place it over your nose and forehead. Repeat this as often as necessary.
Take medications: Over-the-counter medications like decongestants can shrink blood vessels inside your nose and help you breathe easier. Check the label for the ingredients phenylephrine or pseudoephedrine. Decongestant nasal sprays work the same way, but be careful not to use them for more than three days in a row, as they can cause rebound congestion.
In summary, staying hydrated, using a humidifier, taking a shower, using saline spray or drops, using a warm compress, and taking medications are all effective ways to clear a stuffy nose.