what color are poppy flowers

what color are poppy flowers

1 year ago 46

Poppy flowers come in a variety of colors, including white, yellow, orange, red, pink, lavender, peach, and even blue. The flowers can be smaller than a thimble or larger than a dinner plate. Some popular poppy flower varieties include:

  • Oriental Poppy: This perennial garden plant produces orange, red, or salmon flowers that bloom in June and July.
  • Common Poppy: Also known as Flanders poppy, this species grows wild and produces red flowers.
  • Field Poppy: This poppy produces flowers in shades of pink, red, white, and purple and is often used in wildflower mixes.
  • Opium Poppy: This poppy produces white, pink, or red flowers and is known for its medicinal properties.

In summary, poppy flowers come in a range of colors, and the specific color of a poppy flower depends on the variety.

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