what color combination makes brown

what color combination makes brown

1 year ago 50

There are several ways to make brown, depending on the colors used and the ratios of those colors. Here are some methods:

  • Mixing complementary colors: Complementary colors are opposite each other on the color wheel. Mixing them together can create brown. For example, blue and orange, purple and yellow, or green and red can be mixed to make brown.

  • Mixing primary colors: The three primary colors, red, yellow, and blue, can be mixed together to create brown. The specific shade of brown will depend on the ratios of the colors used.

  • Mixing complements of secondary colors: Secondary colors are made by mixing two primary colors together. The complement of a secondary color is the primary color that was not used to make it. Mixing a secondary color with its complement is the same as mixing three primary colors together, which can create brown.

  • Mixing purple and yellow: Mixing purple and yellow together can create a colorful shade of brown.

  • Mixing green and red: Mixing green and red together can create a basic brown color. The specific shade of brown will depend on the types of green and red colors used.

To make brown lighter, you can mix it with white, yellow, or Cadmium Green Light.

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