what color is a giraffes tongue

what color is a giraffes tongue

1 year ago 37

The color of a giraffes tongue is best described as black, blue, or purple with a pink base/back. The front part of the tongue has such dark coloration to protect it during frequent sun exposure while eating and prevent the tongue from getting sunburned. The melanin present in the tongue helps to prevent sunburn and can protect giraffes. The end of the tongue tends to be black and may be more pink or purple near the top since that portion is not as exposed to the sun. The backs of giraffe tongues are a lighter pink color, similar to most other creatures. Giraffes use their 45-50 cm long prehensile tongue and the roof of their mouths to feed on a range of different plants and shoots, most notably from Senegalia and Vachellia (formerly Acacia) species. The thickened papillae on their tongue help to protect it from the thorns of these plants.

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