what color is brake fluid

what color is brake fluid

1 year ago 38

The color of brake fluid can vary depending on the type of fluid and its age. When new, brake fluid is usually clear with a yellowish, amber, bluish, red, or greenish tint. However, as it ages, the color and viscosity of the fluid can change, and it may become darker and brownish. The color of brake fluid can also vary depending on the type of fluid. For example, DOT 3 brake fluid can be found in clear, yellow, blue, and red shades when it is new. DOT 4 brake fluid is almost clear with a hint of yellow, but it can also be found in crimson red. DOT 5 brake fluid is silicone-based and is usually purple.

In summary, the color of brake fluid can vary depending on the type of fluid and its age. When new, it is usually clear with a yellowish tint, but it can also be amber, bluish, red, or greenish. As it ages, it can become darker and brownish.

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