Snot can come in different colors, and each color can indicate something different about whats going on inside your body. Heres what the different colors of snot mean:
Clear: Clear snot is normal and usually signals allergies or some kind of environmental factor that is triggering your nose to start running, such as inhaling dust or allergens. It is nothing to worry about.
White: White snot may mean that you are coming down with a cold or upper respiratory infection.
Yellow: Yellow snot usually means your body is fighting an infection. The yellow coloring comes from white blood cells that have rushed to the area to fight off the infection. If you notice this color, you should make sure to hydrate and get enough rest to allow your body to recover.
Green: Green snot means that the infection is a bit stronger. The green coloring means that lots of white blood cells have been working overtime to fight the infection. The infection will eventually go away, but if your snot is still showing up green after 10-12 days, talk to your health care provider.
Red or pink: Red or pink coloration in snot comes from blood, which typically means that the nasal passage is dry or irritated. This is especially common in cold, dry weather. A nasal spray or dehumidifier may help with alleviating dryness. If you have regular nosebleeds and frequently see a lot of blood in your snot, speak to your doctor.
Brown or orange: Brown snot may be the result of old blood exiting the body. Or you may have inhaled something red or brown that has discolored your mucus. Possibilities include dirt, snuff, or paprika. Most commonly, people who smoke or are in households with smokers can have gray-black snot.
Black: Black snot can mean a few different things. People who smoke will sometimes notice black snot because of the chemicals they inhale while smoking. Black snot can also appear if youve been working in an environment with dust or dirt. In that case, your body is just doing its job to get rid of it.
Its important to note that the color of your snot should not ...