The color of tungsten used for stainless steel varies depending on the welding process and the type of tungsten electrode used. Here are some of the most commonly used tungsten electrodes and their recommended applications for stainless steel welding:
Red Thoriated: This type of tungsten electrode is commonly used for welding stainless steel with DC straight polarity or electrode negative. It is also preferred for welding nickel, steel, and titanium with DC straight polarity or electrode negative.
Lanthanated: Lanthanated tungsten electrodes are a safe alternative to thoriated electrodes and are recommended for welding stainless steel. They can be used on AC or DC square wave power sources.
Ceriated: Ceriated tungsten electrodes are ideal for DC welding when using a lower current and can also be effective with various AC welds. They work better than gold tungsten on low-amp stainless steel.
Its important to note that the American Welding Society (AWS) color codes tungsten electrodes to eliminate confusion over their type. However, the color-coding system is not consistent across all manufacturers, so its best to check the label or packaging to ensure you are using the correct type of tungsten electrode for your application.