Green eyes can be complemented by a variety of eyeshadow colors, including:
Purple: Purple is the most flattering shadow color for green eyes, as it is opposite on the color wheel and makes the green color stand out more boldly than any other shade. Shades such as lavender, plum, and eggplant bring out the green in your eyes and create a stunning contrast.
Bronze and Copper: Bronze, copper, and metallic gold shadows can really make green eyes pop, especially if they have flecks of bronze or gold in them. These shades are also ideal for accentuating the warmth and depth of green eyes.
Reddish Tones: Reddish undertones make great eyeshadow shades for green eyes, such as maroons, mahogany, and violet or eggplant shades. These shades can make green eyes look even more vibrant.
Taupe and Silver: For green eyes with a naturally cool tone, consider blending silver and taupe eyeshadows to highlight the blue or grey tones in your eye color.
Its important to remember that choosing the right eyeshadow color is a matter of personal preference, and experimenting with different shades and techniques can help you discover which style suits you best. Additionally, using a good eyeshadow base can make the colors pop and last longer.