To find the right concealer shade, you should first determine your skin tone, which can be fair, light, medium, or dark. You can then use your foundation shade as a guide to pick a concealer shade that matches your skin tone. Beauty experts recommend having two shades of concealer in your arsenal, one lighter and one darker, since daily sun exposure means your skin tone shifts slightly all the time. If you plan to use concealer to cover blemishes that are peeking out from under your foundation, the concealer should perfectly match your skin tone and not be either darker or lighter. If you want to use concealer to highlight your facial features, apply a concealer that is 2 shades lighter than your natural skin tone. To contour, sculpt, and add definition, apply a concealer that is 1 shade darker than your natural skin tone.
Its important to avoid concealer that clashes with your natural skin or undertone. Your undertone refers to the subtler hue that comes through your skin tone, and it can be warm, neutral, or cool. To find your undertone, you can use the following methods:
Vein test: Look at the veins on the inside of your wrist. If they appear blue or purple, you have a cool undertone. If they appear green, you have a warm undertone. If you cant tell, you may have a neutral undertone.
Jewelry test: Hold a piece of gold and a piece of silver jewelry up to your face. If the gold jewelry looks better against your skin, your undertone is most likely warm. If silver jewelry looks better, your undertone is most likely cool. If both look great, your undertone is probably neutral.
Once youve narrowed down your undertone, you can look for concealer shades that are labeled with letters N, W, or C to denote whether theyre neutral, warm, or cool. Some brands also offer online tools to help you find your perfect concealer shade match based on your skin tone and undertones.