It can be overwhelming to figure out which cough medicine is safe to take during pregnancy. Research on cough and cold medications during pregnancy is limited, so its important to consult with your healthcare provider before taking any medication. However, there are some cough medicines that are generally considered safe to take during pregnancy, including:
Dextromethorphan: This is a cough suppressant found in OTC medications such as Robitussin that can reduce coughing.
Cough expectorants: These can help to thin mucus in the lungs and make it easier to cough up. Guaifenesin is an expectorant that may be an option during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, but its best to avoid it during the first trimester.
Cough drops: Cough drops with benzocaine or menthol are usually approved for use during pregnancy.
Its important to note that some cough medicines contain multiple medications, and not all of them may be safe during pregnancy. Always check with your healthcare provider before taking any medication, and avoid taking unnecessary drugs during pregnancy. In addition to cough medicine, there are other remedies that can help relieve cough and cold symptoms during pregnancy, such as using a humidifier, saline nose drops, and warm salt water gargles.