what date is family day

what date is family day

1 year ago 41

Family Day is observed on different dates depending on the country and region. Here are the dates for Family Day in different places:

  • Canada: In most provinces of Canada, the third Monday in February is observed as a regional statutory holiday, typically known as Family Day. In British Columbia, Family Day was observed on the second Monday in February each year, starting February 11, 2013, but in February 2018, the BC government announced that Family Day would move to the third Monday in February from 2019 onward, aligning the holiday with other Canadian provinces.

  • United States: There are two different holidays that celebrate family in the United States. National Family Day is observed every year on the fourth Monday of September. However, in Nevada, Family Day is a state holiday celebrated on the day after Thanksgiving, i.e. the Friday following the fourth Thursday in November.

  • Israel: In the 1990s, the last day of Shevat was declared Family Day (Hebrew: יום המשפחה) in Israel.

  • South Africa: After 1995, Easter Monday was renamed Family Day.

Its important to note that there are other holidays celebrating family in different parts of the world, but the dates and names may vary.

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