Breast Cancer Awareness Month is observed in October every year. There are several events and observances that take place during this month to raise awareness about breast cancer and support those affected by it. Some of these events include:
Wear it Pink: This is a fundraising event organized by Breast Cancer Now, the UKs largest breast cancer charity. It takes place on the 20th of October during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Participants are encouraged to wear pink and raise money to support life-saving breast cancer research and vital support.
Pink Week: This is a series of virtual and in-person events organized by the Breast Cancer Resource Center in Santa Barbara. It takes place from October 3-5 and aims to raise awareness about breast cancer and support those affected by it.
Mens Breast Cancer Awareness Week: In 2021, U.S. President Joe Biden designated October 17 to October 23 as Mens Breast Cancer Awareness Week.
National Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Week: This takes place from September 25 to October 1 and aims to raise awareness about hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.
In summary, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is observed in October, and there are several events and observances that take place during this month to raise awareness about breast cancer and support those affected by it.