what defeats aerodactyl

what defeats aerodactyl

1 year ago 35

According to the search results, Aerodactyl is a Rock and Flying-type Pokémon, which means it is weak against Water and Ice-type moves as well as Rock, Steel, and Electric-type attacks. Therefore, the following types of moves and Pokémon are effective against Aerodactyl:

  • Water-type moves: These are super effective against Aerodactyl and can deal high damage. Pokémon such as Blastoise, Swampert, and Politoed are recommended.

  • Ice-type moves: These are also super effective against Aerodactyl and can deal high damage. Pokémon such as Mamoswine and Lapras are recommended.

  • Rock-type moves: These are super effective against Aerodactyl and can deal high damage. Pokémon such as Tyranitar, Rhyperior, and Rampardos are recommended.

  • Steel-type moves: These are super effective against Aerodactyl and can deal high damage. Pokémon such as Metagross and Lucario are recommended.

  • Electric-type moves: These are super effective against Aerodactyl and can deal high damage. Pokémon such as Electivire and Raikou are recommended.

Therefore, to defeat Aerodactyl, it is recommended to use Pokémon that know Water, Ice, Rock, Steel, or Electric-type moves. Some of the best counters for Aerodactyl include Mamoswine, Blastoise, Metagross, Tyranitar, and Electivire.

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