what defines an alcoholic

what defines an alcoholic

1 year ago 43

The definition of an alcoholic or alcoholism can vary, but it generally refers to a person who has an alcohol use disorder, which is a medical condition characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or health consequences. Some common signs and symptoms of alcoholism include:

  • Physical dependence: The bodys physical inability to stop drinking and the presence of alcohol cravings. Individuals with alcohol addiction may go to extreme measures to obtain alcohol due to cravings and the fear of withdrawal.
  • Uncontrollable desire to drink: Alcoholism describes a strong, often uncontrollable, desire to drink, and individuals with alcohol dependence often place drinking above all other obligations, including work and family.
  • Tolerance and withdrawal: Building up a physical tolerance, meaning they drink more and more for a similar effect, and experiencing withdrawal symptoms if they stop.
  • Repeating unwanted drinking patterns: Such as binge drinking, using alcohol as a reward, having chronic blackouts, and feeling guilt and shame about drunken behaviors.
  • Inability to limit the amount of alcohol consumed: Wanting to cut down on how much is consumed but being unable to do so.

Its important to note that alcohol use disorder can range from mild to severe, and early treatment is important to prevent escalation and serious problems. If someone is concerned that they or someone they know may be dependent on alcohol, its advisable to seek help from medical professionals or support groups.

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