what degree do you need to be a teacher

what degree do you need to be a teacher

1 year ago 33

To become a teacher in New York State, a bachelors degree is required. The degree should be in teacher education, and the program should be pre-approved to meet the educational requirements for teacher certification, including student teaching. Once a bachelors degree is earned, the next step is to complete and pass a series of New York State Teacher Certification Exams. Candidates for an initial teaching certificate must pass three main tests.

After earning an initial teaching certificate, professional certification is the next step. To achieve this, a return to the classroom is required, this time as a graduate student. A masters degree in education is required, and it should be earned within five years of qualifying for the initial certificate. Professional certification also requires at least three years of teaching experience in the certification area and one year of mentored teaching.

In summary, to become a teacher in New York State, the following steps are required:

  1. Earn a bachelors degree in teacher education from a pre-approved program.
  2. Pass the New York State Teacher Certification Exams.
  3. Earn a masters degree in education within five years of earning the initial certificate.
  4. Gain at least three years of teaching experience in the certification area and one year of mentored teaching to qualify for professional certification.
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