what do bed bugs feed on

what do bed bugs feed on

1 year ago 37

Bed bugs feed solely on the blood of animals, including humans, dogs, cats, birds, and rodents. They are most active at night and tend to hide close to where people sleep during the day. Bed bugs usually bite people at night while they are sleeping, and they feed by piercing the skin with an elongated beak through which they withdraw blood. Engorgement takes about three to 10 minutes, but because the bite is painless, people seldom realize they are being bitten. Bed bugs normally do not reside on or attach to people like lice or ticks. Unlike fleabites, which occur mainly around the ankles, bed bugs feed on any skin exposed while sleeping (face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, legs, etc.) . After feeding, bed bugs move to secluded places and congregate for several days until they are ready to feed again. Adult bed bugs can go several months without a blood meal, and they can withstand temperatures from nearly freezing up to 122 degrees Fahrenheit, allowing them to survive in harsh conditions.

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