Cat lip and chance do not have anything in common based on the search results. However, here is some information about cat lip:
Lip avulsions: Lip avulsions are a common result of orofacial trauma in dogs and cats. Vehicular trauma and bite wounds are common causes.
EGC: Eosinophilic granuloma complex (EGC) is a condition that can affect cats, causing puffy, thickened ulcers on the margin of the cats lip. Usually, it is on one side of the pets upper lip, and it can be on one side of the head or both sides. The ulcerated area can be small, or the entire upper lip can be involved. With time, lips can be permanently disfigured with scarring. These ulcers will bleed but never profusely. In some cats, the problem is not confined only to the upper lips but involves the lower lip and chin as well, giving the cat a "fat lip" or pouting appearance, and in some unfortunate cats, the tongue and roof of the mouth are involved as well.
Swollen lip: A cats swollen lip is a common ailment for cats. Cats are susceptible to abscesses and infections that can result in this symptom. A cats mouth area is not as sensitive as a humans, so the swelling... Although it is not the most common cause of swelling, there is a chance that your cats lip could be experiencing pain and inflammation due to allergies. In some instances, animals can experience allergies just like humans can, causing a painful allergic reaction and your cats swollen lip.
Tumors: Lipomas are benign tumors of fatty (adipose) tissue occasionally found in cats. Liposarcomas are rare tumors that are lumpy and soft to firm. Liposarcomas are malignant tumors that have a low potential to spread to other organs. In cats, feline leukemia virus infection has been infrequently associated with these tumors.
In conclusion, cat lip can be affected by various conditions such as lip avulsions, EGC, swollen lip, and tumors.