CBD gummies are edible candies that contain cannabidiol (CBD) oil, a chemical present in the cannabis plant that may possess many potential health benefits. While evidence suggests that CBD is safe and tolerable, more research is necessary to understand these potential benefits and any possible side effects. Manufacturers of CBD gummies claim that CBD is effective at relieving anxiety, depression, pain, inflammation, and improving sleep. However, research into the effectiveness of CBD oil only tested pure CBD oil, not gummies. A CBD product (Epidiolex) has been FDA approved to treat epilepsy. There is no scientific evidence that gummies work, although anecdotally some people report a benefit and there is likely a strong placebo effect. It is important to note that because most CBD products are not FDA approved, strengths and purity can vary between brands and even within the same brand, meaning that there is no guarantee that you are getting what you think you are getting.