Chickens require several things to survive and thrive. Here are some of the key things that chickens need:
Shelter: Chickens need a safe place to rest, lay eggs, hide from danger and predators, and be guarded against weather elements. A proper coop should be large enough that it can hold a feeder and water containers, a roosting area, and a nest box for every three hens. The coop should also be secure enough to keep predators out.
Space: Chickens need room to live, roost, and forage. They require at least one square meter per bird to run around. If you want to keep laying hens, you should consider keeping three to six birds to ensure a steady supply of eggs.
Food: Chickens need constant access to food. They require a quality layer or scratch mix as a minimum. Chickens also need a source of protein, such as insects, bugs, and worms, which they can forage for in the yard. Fresh vegetables like lettuce, cabbage, and kale are also excellent sources of vitamins and minerals. Chickens also need calcium supplements to maintain healthy bones and lay eggs with strong shells. You should give your hens crushed oyster shells on a regular basis.
Water: Chickens need consistent access to clean drinking water. You should keep a poultry drinker in the run, which the hens can access at all times. If you live in a cold climate, you’ll need to invest in a heated poultry drinker to keep the water from freezing in the winter.
Bedding material: Chickens need a clean and dry place to rest. You should provide them with bedding material, such as straw or wood shavings, which should be changed regularly.
Hygiene practices: Chickens need to be kept clean to avoid disease. Their chicken house and run need to be cleaned daily. Feeders and waterers must be kept clean and full. Each bird needs to be checked regularly for signs of mites, disease, and injury. You need to have somewhere for a sick hen to be kept in isolation, and she will need checking multiple times each day.
Grit: Chickens need grit to help them digest their food. Chicks need grit too, but in a much smaller size.
In summary, chickens require a secure coop, space to roam, feed, clean water, and a few other necessities to survive and thrive.