what do climatologists study

what do climatologists study

1 year ago 40

Climatologists study climate change, climate variability, and the effects of climate on the biosphere. They analyze weather trends, typically over 30 years, to help individuals, businesses, and governments understand and predict weather patterns, and learn how our actions impact the environment. Climatology studies the myriad factors that influence weather, and the influence of weather on the environment, including water, atmosphere, and geology. Climatologists use computers to predict the effect of weather or climate change on the environment. They can work in academic and research institutions as well as government, public or private agencies, and nonprofits. Climatologists can also take on a consulting role, working for engineering and environmental consulting firms.

The job of a climatologist is varied and exciting. Depending on the position, a climatologist might be called upon to wear many different hats. A climatologist might do hands-on research such as taking water or soil samples, then analyze and report on the data. They may make presentations on their research at seminars or conferences, or provide an analysis of other research to employers, government officials, or other interested parties. Climatologists can choose lab, office or field work, or find a position with a combination of all three.

To become a climatologist, a minimum of a bachelors degree in meteorology, climatology, environmental science, earth science, or a related field is required for entry-level roles. For research and academic positions, a Masters or PhD will be required. Prior experience is often not required for entry-level positions, but it can be helpful. Climatologists can also choose to belong to a professional group, such as the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society.

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