what do grocery stores do with expired food

what do grocery stores do with expired food

1 year ago 41

Expired food in grocery stores can be handled in different ways, depending on the stores policies and the condition of the food. Here are some common ways that grocery stores deal with expired food:

  • Donation: Many grocery stores donate expired but still edible food to food banks or other organizations that help feed people in need. Some stores may also sell expired food to salvage stores.

  • Discard: Some expired food is simply thrown away, either because it is no longer safe to eat or because the store has no way to donate or sell it.

  • Repurposing: Some stores may repurpose expired food by turning it into fertilizer, animal feed, or other products.

  • Discounting: Some stores may discount expired food in an effort to sell it before it goes bad.

Its worth noting that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers expiration dates to be an indication of optimum quality, rather than a strict safety guideline. As long as expired food has been handled and stored properly, it can remain safe to consume for some time beyond the expiration date. However, not all food banks or other organizations that accept donations of expired food may be willing to distribute it, due to liability concerns.

In summary, grocery stores may donate, discard, repurpose, or discount expired food, depending on the stores policies and the condition of the food.

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