what do hemorrhoids look like

what do hemorrhoids look like

1 year ago 38

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lowest part of the rectum and anus, similar to varicose veins. They can be internal or external, and their appearance can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Here are some descriptions of what hemorrhoids can look like:

  • Internal hemorrhoids: These are located inside the rectum and are usually painless. They may not be visible, but if they are, they can appear as protrusions of the wall of the anal canal or rectum. Less serious internal hemorrhoids are bumps inside, and more serious ones can form a long protrusion.

  • External hemorrhoids: These are located under the skin around the anus and can be seen and felt. They can look like small lumps just outside the anus and may be pinker than the surrounding area. They can cause pain, itching, swelling, and bleeding.

  • Prolapsed hemorrhoids: These are internal hemorrhoids that have prolapsed or fallen out of the rectum. They can be seen and felt outside the anus and may appear as moist bumps that look pinker than the surrounding area. They can cause pain, especially during bowel movements.

  • Thrombosed hemorrhoids: These are external hemorrhoids that have developed a blood clot. They can appear purple-blue on light skin and grey, black, or dark brown on dark skin. They can cause serious pain, itching, and bleeding.

Its important to note that hemorrhoids can have different appearances and symptoms, and not everyone experiences the same thing. If you suspect you have hemorrhoids, its best to see a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

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