To send money through Western Union, the information required depends on the method you will be using. Here are the details for each method:
Online or Mobile App: If you are using the Western Union website or mobile app, you will need to register first. Then, you can arrange to transfer money, but may also need your login information, credit or debit card details, receiver’s first and last name (the same as their government-issued ID), and receiver’s country (sometimes you need their full address) .
In-Person: If you are sending money in person, you will need to visit a Western Union agent location. You may need to provide government-issued ID to confirm your identity, cash, credit or debit card to pay for the total (including any transfer fees and currency exchange rates), and your receiver’s full name (as on their ID), country, and address (where requested) .
Transfer to a Mobile Wallet: If you want to transfer money to a mobile wallet, you can use the Western Union mobile app. You will need to provide the recipients mobile number and the name of their mobile wallet provider.
In general, you will need to provide your full name and phone number as the sender, as well as the receivers full name, phone number, and address. Additionally, you may need to provide the receivers bank name and information, checking account information, or other details depending on the method you choose.