An insurance broker is a professional who acts as an intermediary between a consumer and an insurance company, helping the former find a policy that best suits their needs. Unlike insurance agents, insurance brokers do not work for an insurance company. They work for their clients, providing advice on the best insurance options for their clients’ needs. Insurance brokers represent their clients best interests and help them navigate among insurance plans, many of which have subtle differences. They can help individuals and companies procure insurance for themselves, their homes, their businesses, or their families. Brokers sell all insurance types, including health insurance, homeowners insurance, accident insurance, life insurance, and annuities. They can save clients time and money by shopping around with multiple insurers without investing their time or energy. Insurance brokers can also help clients understand the ins and outs of their policy, such as exclusions and limits. They can analyze clients risks and liabilities to determine exactly what coverage they need and provide a range of quotes based on their needs. Insurance brokers make money off commissions from selling insurance to individuals or businesses, which are usually 2% to 8% of premiums, depending on state regulations.