what do marine biologists do

what do marine biologists do

1 year ago 51

Marine biologists study marine organisms, their behaviors, and interactions with the environment. They may investigate a populations behaviors or physiological processes of marine species, or the diseases and environmental conditions that affect them. They may also assess the impacts of human activities on marine life. Marine biology is a very broad area, so most researchers select a particular area of interest and specialize in it. Specializations can be based on a particular species, group, behavior, technique, or ecosystem. Marine biologists may study anything from the largest whale down to tiny plankton, microbes, and even the seawater itself. They may work directly in the ocean or in a lab. Some of the common areas of study within the field include:

  • Marine ecology: the study of how marine organisms interact with each other and their environment.
  • Marine conservation: the study of how to protect and preserve marine ecosystems and species.
  • Marine biotechnology: the study of how marine organisms can be used to develop new products and technologies.
  • Marine biochemistry: the study of the chemical processes that occur in marine organisms.

Marine biologists may work for government agencies, non-profit organizations, universities, or private companies. They may also work in a variety of settings, including research labs, aquariums, and field sites. The average salary for a marine biologist varies depending on the level of education and experience, but the median annual wage for zoologists and wildlife biologists was $67,760 in May 2020.

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