what do moth eggs look like

what do moth eggs look like

1 year ago 48

Moth eggs can vary in appearance, but they are generally small, usually oval or spherical, and can be challenging to spot with the naked eye. They are typically laid in clusters near the caterpillars future food source. The eggs are tiny, almost microscopic, and are a creamy color, about the size of a pinhead. They may also be translucent or have other colors such as pale yellow, pink, or blue, although such colors are less common. The specific shape of moth eggs can depend on the species and the individual characteristics of the female moth that laid them. Regardless of their shape, moth eggs are typically quite small, ranging from about 0.5mm to 1/16th of an inch long. When they hatch, the larvae look like little creamy colored worms with a dark head, and they grow up to about 12mm in length.

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