what do muslims say when someone dies

what do muslims say when someone dies

1 year ago 45

When someone who practices Islam passes away, there are certain traditions and phrases that are used to show respect for the deceased and offer condolences to their loved ones. Here are some common things that Muslims say when someone dies:

  • Before death: When a Muslim is dying, they should be surrounded by family members and friends who can help encourage a safe passing into the next life. They should provide comfort and confidence to the dying person, convincing them to say ‘Shahada’ – the confirmation of their true deity, Allah. Those present when the person passes should continue tradition by saying “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un”. This means “Verily we belong to Allah, and truly to Him shall we return” and is a must for all Muslims who have since passed from this world.

  • After death: When someone who practices Islam passes away, it is common to say “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun” again. This phrase is a reminder that we all belong to Allah and will return to Him eventually. Other phrases that can be used to offer condolences to the family of the deceased include:

    • “May Allah have mercy on his/her soul” .
    • “May Almighty Allah dwell him/her in Jannatul Firdaus” .
    • “May Allah grant you and your family patience and strength, so that you can endure the hardship of this difficult time” .

Muslims also believe that those who carry out good, righteous deeds in life will be granted passage to Paradise when the Day of Judgement arrives.

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