Termites are small, ant-like insects with big heads and large mandibles that can cause destructive and costly amounts of structural damage to homes and properties if not found and dealt with. They can vary in shades of white, brown, and black, depending on their type, species, and age. Termites are sometimes confused with flying ants because both have wings and antennae. Here are some common characteristics that help distinguish termites from other insects:
- Size: Termites typically measure between 1/4 and 1/2 of an inch long, depending on the species.
- Mandibles: Termites have two protruding mandibles (jaws) .
- Antennae: Termites have two straight antennae composed of round, bead-like segments.
- Legs: Termites have six thin, spindly legs that are slightly transparent.
Termites can vary greatly in appearance, depending on their species and caste, or role, in the colony. Termite colonies are made up of several castes, including:
- Workers: Take care of eggs, maintain the colony, and look for food.
- Soldiers: Have similar coloring to workers but with large heads that are orange or amber in color.
- Reproductives: Swarming termites are darker with light brown (amber) or black bodies. The termite queen has a dark brown head and thorax with a whitish abdomen that is very enlarged. However, the termite queen is normally only found in the underground nest and is rarely ever seen.
Flying termites, also called reproductives, have two pairs of prominent wings. Winged termites have a straight waist, straight antennae, and their wings are equal in size, while flying ants have waists that are pinched in the middle, bent antennae, and two sets of wings with the top set being longer than the bottom set.
Its important to note that termites can be difficult to identify as they look similar to flying ants, a pest of much less concern. If you suspect that you have a termite infestation, its recommended that you get a professional inspection.