what do you call an ear doctor

what do you call an ear doctor

1 year ago 34

An ear doctor is often referred to as an otolaryngologist or an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) doctor. Otolaryngologists are physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions of the ears, nose, throat, head, and neck. They are trained in both medical and surgical procedures related to the head and neck. Otolaryngologists can treat a wide range of conditions, including hearing loss, ear infections, balance disorders, allergies, sinusitis, smell disorders, polyps, nasal obstruction, voice and swallowing disorders, and infectious diseases of the head and neck area. They can also perform cosmetic surgery like face lifts and nose jobs, and help people whose looks have been changed by an accident or who were born with issues that need to be fixed. Pediatric ENTs are specially trained to treat children.

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