what do you do when you run away

what do you do when you run away

1 year ago 35

Running away can be a difficult and dangerous decision, and it is important to consider all options before taking such a step. If you are thinking about running away, here are some things you can do:

  1. Talk to someone: Consider calling the National Runaway Safeline at 1-800-RUNAWAY or visiting their website at https://www.1800runaway.org/ to talk about your situation and all the options you have. You can also speak to a Childline counsellor if you are in the UK.

  2. Think about your safety: When you run away, you are on your own in the world, and the world has the potential to be a dangerous and dark place. You need to have plans and strategies to keep yourself safe. Think about where you will sleep, how you will get food, and how you will protect yourself.

  3. Consider the consequences: Running away can have serious consequences for you and your loved ones. Think about all the people you might be affecting by running away. Try to think about the people who will be seriously affected by your decision.

  4. Address the motivation for wanting to run away: There are many reasons why a person would want to run away. Addressing the reason why could help you solve the problem before it gets so bad that you feel forced to run away.

  5. Stay practical and short-term: If you have run away from home, you will likely have limited resources available in the form of money, food, and shelter. However, it is important that you are safe and healthy. You will need to find somewhere that you can sleep safely. Look in the phone directory for homeless shelters or charities that support the homeless to assist you in finding a location and getting food.

Remember, running away is a serious decision that can have serious consequences. It is important to consider all options and talk to someone before taking such a step.

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