what do you keep in new game plus starfield

what do you keep in new game plus starfield

1 year ago 50

In Starfield's New Game Plus mode, you keep all the skills, powers, equipment, items, weapons, money/credits, spaceships, side mission, faction mission, powers, skills, and skill challenge progression that you obtained in your initial playthrough. However, you will lose all of the gear, credits, resources, relationships, quest progress, and outposts that you accumulated during your current run. The mode also offers some unique additions, such as a Starborn Guardian II ship and a Starborn spacesuit. Additionally, your level, experience, and skills are retained, but all other progress in the world is reset. Completing New Game Plus mode allows you to change who you side with at the end of the game and provides access to new dialog options and a new ship. The mode does not scale up the enemies in the new game. It's also worth noting that in New Game Plus, every time you unlock a power, it upgrades, and there are implications for the story based on the choices you make. The mode offers players the freedom to replay the game differently each time, contributing to its longevity and replay value.

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