what do you mean by fundamental unit in hindi

what do you mean by fundamental unit in hindi

1 year ago 35

The term "fundamental unit" can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are some possible meanings of the term in Hindi, based on the search results:

  • मूल मात्रक: This refers to the fundamental units of measurement in a system of units. For example, in the International System of Units (SI), the meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela are considered fundamental units. These units are used to define all other units of measurement, which are called derived units.

  • मौलिक इकाइयाँ: This is another term for "fundamental units" in Hindi. It has the same meaning as मूल मात्रक.

  • मूलभूत यूनिट: This is another term for "fundamental unit" in Hindi. It can be used in the context of physics or chemistry to refer to the basic building blocks of matter, such as atoms, molecules, or ions.

In summary, the meaning of "fundamental unit" in Hindi depends on the context, but it often refers to the basic units of measurement in a system of units.

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